yue:中式#戲曲 行業嘅別稱
eng:the world of any variety of Chinese opera; literally: Pear Garden
yue:梨園子弟 (lei4 jyun4 zi2 dai6)
eng:"Children of the Pear Garden" (artists of any variety of Chinese opera)
yue:呢位大老倌生前都幫梨園做咗好多嘢,戲行中人對佢離世都深感婉惜。 (ni1 wai2 daai6 lou5 gun1 sang1 cin4 dou1 bong1 lei4 jyun4 zou6 zo2 hou2 do1 je5, hei3 hong4 zung1 jan4 deoi3 keoi5 lei4 sai3 dou1 sam1 gam2 jyun2 sik1.)
eng:This Cantonese Opera star contributed a lot to the industry in his life. All the practitioners feel their sympathies for his passing away.