yue:數目;用嚟表達#數 呢個概念嘅符號字串(量詞:個)
eng:number; figure
yue:枱面寫咗幾個數字。 (toi2 min2 se2 zo2 gei2 go3 sou3 zi6.)
eng:There are some numbers written on the table.
yue:呢個數字唔細喎。 (nei1 go3 sou3 zi6 m4 sai3 wo3.)
eng:This is not a small figure.
yue:表達#數 呢個系統所用到嘅個別字符,好似「1」、「2」、「3」呢啲(量詞:個)
eng:numeral; figure digit; symbol that denotes a number
yue:天文數字 (tin1 man4 sou3 zi6)
eng:astronomical figure
yue:佢每個月賺成六位數字㗎。 (keoi5 mui5 go3 jyut6 zaan6 seng4 luk6 wai2 sou3 zi6 gaa3.)
eng:He earns a six-figure salary.