yue:由一個#插頭 駁出嚟,有幾個#插蘇 嘅板;一來可以俾電器插遠啲,二來插多啲電器(量詞:塊)
eng:power strip; extension board
yue:咪以為係拖板就插幾多嘢都得𠿪,會燒fuse㗎。 (mai5 ji5 wai4 hai6 to1 baan2 zau6 caap3 gei2 do1 je5 dou1 dak1 gaa2, wui5 siu1 fiu1 si2 gaa3.)
eng:Though it is a power strip, it doesn't mean that you can plug in as many devices as you want. You would blow the fuse.