eng:useless, sometimes used as a comment on the low quality of something
yue:唉,把鬼呀! (aai2, baa2 gwai2 aa4!)
eng:Argh! This thing is terrible!
eng:adding the expression "把鬼咩?" (baa2 gwai2 me1, always said with falling intonation) after a verb phrase, used as a rhetorical question to mean there is no use in doing something.
yue:呢度得我哋兩個,要咁多張凳把鬼咩? (ni1 dou6 dak1 ngo5 dei6 loeng5 go3, jiu3 gam3 do1 zoeng1 dang3 baa2 gwai2 me1?)
eng:Just the two of us are here; what's the use of having so many chairs?