eng:not having a buffer; just enough; tight
yue:而家先去搭車嘅話,啲時間會好抆。 (ji4 gaa1 sin1 heoi3 daap3 ce1 ge3 waa2, di1 si1 gaan3 wui5 hou2 man3.)
eng:If you take a train now, there is no buffer at all and it is possible that you will be late.
yue:啲地方好抆,啱啱好放得落個櫃。 (di1 dei6 fong1 hou2 man3, ngaam1 ngaam1 hou2 fong3 dak1 lok6 go3 gwai6.)
eng:The space is just enough for a cupboard.