
第 #1 條
讀音: maai4 daan1
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 食完嘢計返消費總額;引申指食飯俾錢
    (英文) to pay the bill, usually after a meal in a restaurant
    (粵) maai4daan1go2zan2m4hou2bei2gam3do1tip1si2aa3
    (英) Don't tip too much when you pay the bill.
    (粵) fo2gei3maai4daan1
    (英) Waiter! The bill, please.
    (粵) m4hou2ji3si1ngo5dei6zau6lai4daa2joeng2laa3bat1jyu4bong1nei5dei6maai4zo2zoeng1daan1sin1aa1
    (英) Sorry, we're closing soon. Would you mind settling up now?
    (粵) ni1caan1faan6hou2dai2maai4daan1mui5jan4dou1m4使sai2jat1baak3man1
    (英) This meal is so cheap. It costs less than one hundred dollars per person.

  2. (廣東話) 為一啲事情負責任、承擔後果
    (英文) to take responsibility; to bear the consequences
    (粵) daai6go3neoi2laa3jiu3gei3zyu6nei5gam1jat6so2zou6ge3si6dai6jat6dou1hai6jiu3zi6gei2maai4daan1gaa3
    (英) You are a grown up girl now. Keep in mind that you will have to take responsibility for your actions from now on.
    (粵) ming4ming4hai6keoi5zou6co3si6gaau2dou3go3hong6muk6ciu1saai3zi1dim2gaai2jiu3ngo5dei6bong1keoi5maai4daan1
    (英) It was obviously due to his mistake that we overspent on the project. Why should we have to bear the consequences for him?

  3. (廣東話) 殺死;引申指擊敗人,令人冇還擊之力、冇得翻身
    (英文) to kill; to murder; to finish off
    (粵) zi2jiu3maai4dou2keoi5san1ngo5jat1kyun4zau6ho2ji5maai4keoi5daan1
    (英) If I can get close to him, I can kill him in one punch.

近義: 近義: 睇數
參看: 追殺 行兇 謀殺 消磨 誅 殺死 做忌 做瓜 埋數 打單 找數 捧餐 欠單 結帳 結賬 茶錢 落單 買單 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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