eng:front and behind
yue:間屋前後都種咗啲樹喺度。 (gaan1 uk1 cin4 hau6 dou1 zung3 zo2 di1 syu6 hai2 dou6.)
eng:Trees are planted both in front of and behind the house.
eng:around (a period of time)
yue:新年前後好多人過關㗎。 (san1 nin4 cin4 hau6 hou2 do1 jan4 gwo3 gwaan1 gaa3.)
eng:Many people cross the border around the Lunar New Year.
eng:from start to finish; in total
yue:呢項工程由動工到完工,前後用咗五年時間。 (ni1 hong6 gung1 cing4 jau5 dung6 gung1 dou3 jyun4 gung1, cin4 hau6 jung6 zo2 ng5 nin4 si4 gaan3.)
eng:From the beginning of construction to its completion, this project took five years in total.