yue:#公共#租住#房屋 或者公共#屋邨 嘅簡稱;由#政府 興建、營運,並且以較低廉嘅租金出租畀低收入人士嘅住宅
eng:public rental housing; public housing estate
yue:香港啲公屋真係好難申請㗎!嗰張form要填一百幾樣資料,又要交呢樣嗰樣文件! (hoeng1 gong2 di1 gung1 uk1 zan1 hai6 hou2 naan4 san1 cing2 gaa3! go2 zoeng1 form jiu3 tin4 jat1 baak3 gei2 joeng6 zi1 liu2, jau6 jiu3 gaau1 ni1 joeng6 go2 joeng6 man4 gin2!)
eng:It's so hard to apply for public rental housing! One hundred pieces of information are required, not to mention all those supporting documents!