eng:hyperaemia; the increase of blood flow to certain tissue or organ
yue:紓緩鼻塞嘅產品大多數係令到鼻腔入面嘅血管短暫收縮、減少充血。 (syu1 wun4 bei6 sak1 ge3 caan2 ban2 daai6 do1 sou3 hai6 ling6 dou3 bei6 hong1 jap6 min6 ge3 hyut3 gun2 dyun2 zaam6 sau1 suk1, gaam2 siu2 cung1 hyut3.)
eng:Decongestants usually induce temporary vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the nose in order to relieve nasal congestion due to hyperemia.