yue:用嚟貶抑對方講嘅説話,用法係將對方使用嘅動詞加上「你老母」 (或「#佢老母」)
eng:used to disparage what someone is saying by picking up the verb they are using and applying 「你老母」 or 「#佢老母」
yue:甲:「有咩嘢唔妥,咪慢慢講囉!」 乙:「講你老母!」 (gaap3: jau5 me1 je5 m4 to5, mai6 maan6 maan2 gong2 lo1! jyut3: gong2 nei5 lou5 mou2!")
eng:A: "Whatever problem there is we can talk about it." B:"Talk your mother!"
eng:a short form for "#屌你老母"
yue:邊有錢呀你老母! (bin1 jau5 cin2 aa3 nei5 lou5 mou2!)
eng:I don't have any money! Your mother!