yue:一種打印同掃描文字、圖片或影像,透過#電話線 傳送同接收嘅機器(量詞:部)
eng:fax machine
yue:部fax機冇晒紙,收唔到fax呀。 (bou6 fek1 si2 gei1 mou5 saai3 zi2, sau1 m4 dou2 fek1 si2 aa3)
eng:The fax machine has run out of paper, so it can't take incoming faxes at the moment.
yue:傳統fax機用熱敏紙,唔駛換墨㗎。 (cyun4 tung2 fek1 si2 gei1 jung6 jit6 man5 zi2, m4 sai2 wun6 mak6 gaa3)
eng:Traditional fax machines use thermal paper as their printing technology, there's no ink cartridge to replace.