yue:設有#卡啦OK 嘅房(量詞:間)
eng:karaoke room
yue:我哋大學都有K房㗎。 (ngo5 dei6 daai6 hok6 dou1 jau5 kei1 fong2 gaa3.)
eng:There is a karaoke room in our university as well.
yue:我而家同朋友喺K房唱緊,所以有啲嘈。 (ngo5 ji4 gaa1 tung4 pang4 jau5 hai2 kei1 fong2 coeng3 gan2, so2 ji5 jau5 di1 cou4.)
eng:I'm now in the room signing karaoke with my friends, so it's a bit noisy.