yue:香港地方名;#香港島 西南端嘅島嶼
eng:Ap Lei Chau; Aberdeen Island
yue:你可以搭巴士或者地鐵去鴨脷洲。 (nei5 ho2 ji5 daap3 baa1 si2 waak6 ze2 dei6 tit3 heoi3 aap3 lei6 zau1.)
eng:You can take the bus or the MTR to Ap Lei Chau.
yue:「鴨脷洲」呢個名嘅起源係因為呢個島嘅外形好似鴨脷。 (aap3 lei6 zau1 nei1 go3 meng2 ge3 hei2 jyun4 hai6 jan1 wai6 nei1 go3 dou2 ge3 ngoi6 jing4 hou2 ci5 aap3 lei6.)
eng:"Ap Lei Chau" is named because the appearance of this island is similar to a duck's tongue.