第 #1 條 | |
讀音: | bin1 di1 |
詞性: | 代詞 |
解釋: |
同邊一樣,詢問地點、物件、人物、時間,用嘅時候唔使指明量詞,後面指唔指明名詞都得;「邊+其他量詞」同「邊啲」兩者分別在於,用「邊啲」嘅時候,發問人預想中嘅答案包括多過一個物件/地點/人物/ 時間
which (plural); same as 邊 , the word used for enquiry of places, objects, people and time. Classifier should be omitted when used, and the specification of object is optional. The difference between 邊 and 邊啲 is that the latter one is used when the speaker is expecting the answer to be of more than one entity.
近義: | 近義: 邊 |
版權: | © 2022 香港辭書有限公司 - 非商業開放資料授權協議 1.0 |