eng:to disclose one's own secrets or news; literally "self explode"
yue:估唔到佢居然喺全公司嘅人面前自爆自己細個嘅醜事。 (gu2 m4 dou3 keoi5 geoi1 jin2 hai2 cyun4 gung1 si1 ge3 jan4 min6 cin4 zi6 baau3 zi6 gei2 sai3 go3 ge3 cau2 si6.)
eng:To our surprise, he revealed his embarrassing childhood stories to everyone at the company.
eng:to make a suicidal attack (usually in games or popular culture context)
yue:佢自爆咁多次都死唔去,又幾好嘢喎。 (keoi5 zi6 baau3 gam3 do1 ci3 dou1 sei2 m4 heoi3, jau6 gei2 hou2 je5 wo3.)
eng:He made suicidal attacks repeatedly and still managed to survive. I have to say that I am somewhat impressed.