yue:經過供水系統,直接#泵 畀用户嘅#食水
eng:tap water; running water
yue:離島有啲村冇自來水供應。 (lei4 dou2 jau5 di1 cyun1 mou5 zi6 loi4 seoi2 gung1 jing3.)
eng:Some villages in the outlying islands have no tap water supply.
yue:香港嘅自來水有加氟化物,可以預防蛀牙。 (hoeng1 gong2 ge3 zi6 loi4 seoi2 jau5 gaa1 fat1 faa3 mat6, ho2 ji5 jyu6 fong4 zyu3 ngaa4.)
eng:In Hong Kong, fluorides are added into tap water to prevent tooth decay.