eng:to discover; to find
yue:天文學家最近發現咗一個新星球。 (tin1 man4 hok6 gaa1 zoei3 gan6 faat3 jin6 zo2 jat1 go3 san1 sing1 kau4.)
eng:Astrologists have recently discovered a new planet.
yue:佢哋發現咗個寶藏。 (keoi5 dei6 faat3 jin6 zo2 go3 bou2 zong6.)
eng:They found a treasure chest.
yue:小心俾人發現呀! (siu2 sam1 bei2 jan4 faat3 jin6 aa3!)
eng:Watch out and don't let anyone know you're here!
eng:to know something previously unknown; to realise; to figure out
yue:我發現自己其實唔係咁鍾意呢科。 (ngo5 faat3 jin6 zi6 gei2 kei4 sat6 m4 hai6 gam3 zung1 ji3 ni1 fo1.)
eng:I realise that I don't really like this major.
yue:我發現佢有啲古怪。 (ngo5 faat3 jin6 keoi5 jau5 di1 gu2 gwaai3.)
eng:I found out that there is something weird about him.
eng:finding; discovery
yue:呢個發現對我哋嘅研究好有幫助。 (ni1 go3 faat3 jin6 deoi3 ngo5 dei6 ge3 jin4 gau3 hou2 jau5 bong1 zo6.)
eng:This finding is very useful for our research.
yue:呢個係個驚天大發現嚟! (ni1 go3 hai6 go3 ging1 tin1 daai6 faat3 jin6 lai4!)
eng:This is an astounding discovery!