eng:beef jerky
yue:違例泊車俾警察 #抄牌 而收到嘅罰單(量詞:張)
eng:parking ticket
yue:食牛肉乾 (sik6 ngau4 juk6 gon1)
eng:get a parking ticket
yue:佢貪方便泊咗架車喺醫院門口,而家淨係食咗張牛肉乾咪算好彩囉。 (keoi5 taam1 fong1 bin6 paak3 zo2 gaa3 ce1 hai2 ji1 jyun2 mun4 hau2, ji4 gaa1 zing6 hai6 sik6 zo2 zoeng1 ngau4 juk6 gon1 mai6 syun3 hou2 coi2 lo1.)
eng:He parked his car at the entrance of the hospital for convenience. It is fortunate that all he gets is a parking ticket.