yue:對於實體有幾#深 嘅測量結果
yue:河水嘅深度 (ho4 seoi2 ge3 sam1 dou6)
eng:depth of the river
yue:嗰個魚池嘅深度係三米。 (go2 go3 jyu4 ci4 ge3 sam1 dou6 hai6 saam1 mai5.)
eng:The depth of that pool is 3 metres.
yue:知識、思考嘅#深刻 程度
eng:(of intellect) profundity; depth
yue:佢講嗰啲嘢好有深度。 (keoi5 gong2 go2 di1 je5 hou2 jau5 sam1 dou6.)
eng:He said something of remarkable depth.