yue:處理#審訊、#訴訟 嘅機關,亦指進行審訊、訴訟嘅場所(量詞:個/間)
eng:court of law; tribunal; usually referring to the institution, but can also refer to the physical location
yue:呢度唔係法庭,呢度唔需要證據! (ni1 dou6 m4 hai6 faat3 ting4, ni1 dou6 m4 seoi1 jiu3 zing3 geoi3!)
eng:This is not a court! We don't need evidence!
yue:我尊重法庭判決。 (ngo5 zyun1 zung6 faat3 ting4 pun3 kyut3.)
eng:I (accept and) respect the judgment of the court.