
第 #1 條
讀音: saat3
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 剝奪生命;令某個生物死亡
    (英文) to murder, to kill
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 殺菌saat3 kwan2
    (英) to sterilize
    (粵) 自殺zi6 saat3
    (英) to commit suicide
    (粵) 殺手saat3 sau2
    (英) killer
    (粵) hai2hou2do1dei6fong1saat3zo2jan4wui5bei6pun3sei2jing4
    (英) In many places, if you murder someone you will receive the death penalty.

  2. (廣東話) 停止某個組織或項目嘅運作
    (英文) to put an end to an organization, project, etc.
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) saat3haau6
    (英) to close down a school
    (粵) saat3guk6
    (英) to disband the Urban Council

  3. (廣東話) 佔壓倒性優勢
    (英文) to overwhelm; to dominate; to win with a wide margin
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 通殺tung1 saat3
    (英) to take all
    (粵) 大殺四方daai6 saat3 sei3 fong1
    (英) to win a mahjong game
    (粵) keoi5zoek3dou3gwai2fo2gam3leng3saat3saai3cyun4coeng4
    (英) She dresses to kill.

  4. (廣東話) 打波嘅時候,大力用手或者球拍將個波打過網,務求高速擊中目標
    (英文) to hit a ball with a large force to send it to the opponent at high speed, usually hitting the ball overhead; to spike a ball (volleyball); to smash a ball (tennis)
    (粵) ni1kau4saat3dak1leng3aa3deoi3min6jau6gau3dou2wo3
    (英) That was a great overhead hit! And a great save for his opponent as well!

  5. (廣東話) 同賣家講價,逼使佢大幅割價
    (英文) to bargain and push the seller to slash the price sharply
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 殺價saat3 gaa3
    (英) to cut the price
    (粵) saat3dou3keoi5jat1geng2hyut3
    (英) to drive a hard bargain

  6. (廣東話) 接受開價、接受議案、接受條款
    (英文) to accept an offer
    (粵) mou5saai3luk6sik1Tti1seot1jiu3m4jiu3laam4sik1hou2ziu3saat3
    (英) "The green T-shirts are out of stock, do you want a blue one?" "No problem, I'll take that."
    (粵) jat1baak3man1saam1gin6jiu3m4jiu3saat3nei5
    (英) "Three for $100, deal?" "Deal."

參看: 壓倒 統治 主導 支配 稱霸
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