eng:inflexible; rigid; unwilling to accept new ideas or solutions
yue:佢做嘢好死板,唔會聽你意見㗎。 (keoi5 zou6 je5 hou2 sei2 baan2, m4 wui5 teng1 nei5 ji3 gin3 gaa3.)
eng:He works in a really rigid way, and he won’t listen to your suggestions.
yue:時代唔同咗,做生意唔可以咁死板。 (si4 doi6 m4 tung4 zo2, zou6 saang1 ji3 m4 ho2 ji5 gam3 sei2 baan2.)
eng:The world has changed. You can’t run a business in such an old-school, inflexible way.