yue:#放棄 某種原本擁有嘅#權利(尤其係#投票 或者#比賽 入面)
eng:to abandon one's right; to abstain; to withdraw from a match
yue:棄權票 (hei3 kyun4 piu3)
eng:an "abstain" vote
yue:呢場比賽我決定棄權。 (ni1 coeng4 bei2 coi3 ngo5 kyut3 ding6 hei3 kyun4.)
eng:I am going to withdraw from this match.
yue:無法按時到召集處報到者,作自動棄權論。 (mou4 faat3 on3 si4 dou3 ziu6 zaap6 cyu5 bou3 dou3 ze2, zok3 zi6 dung6 hei3 kyun4 leon6.)
eng:Those who delay to register at the marshal according to the roll call time will be regarded as withdrawal from the competition.