eng:to change seasons
yue:每逢換季,好多人都會受鼻敏感困擾。 (mui5 fung4 wun6 gwai3, hou2 do1 jan4 dou1 wui5 sau6 bei6 man5 gam2 kwan3 jiu2.)
eng:When seasons change, many people are affected by allergic rhinitis.
eng:to wear or buy different clothes for a new season
yue:啲學校係都要定時定候換季,依家時熱時凍都唔知點算。 (di1 hok6 haau6 hai6 dou1 jiu3 ding6 si4 ding6 hau6 wun6 gwai3, ji1 gaa1 si4 jit6 si4 dung3 dou1 m4 zi1 dim2 syun3.)
eng:Schools follow a fixed schedule for changing uniforms with the seasons, but I'm unsure how to dress in this unpredictable weather.