eng:for a movie theatre to end the run of one movie and begin showing a new one
yue:間戲院已經換咗畫,你鐘意嗰套戲冇得睇喇。 (gaan1 hei3 jyun2 ji5 ging1 wun6 zo2 waa2, nei5 zung1 ji3 go2 tou3 hei3 mou5 dak1 tai2 laa3.)
eng:The theatre has already ended that movie's run. You can't see it there anymore.
eng:to change or "go through" boyfriends or girlfriends
yue:詩琳一個月換三個男朋友,換畫如換衫。 (si1 lam4 jat1 go3 jyut6 wun6 saam1 go3 naam4 pang4 jau5, wun6 waa2 jyu4 wun6 saam1.)
eng:Celine goes through three boyfriends a month. She changes boyfriends like she changes clothes.