eng:to pretend; to put on an act, act like something is real but it is not
yue:佢唔係真喊㗎,扮嘢㗎咋。 (keoi5 m4 hai6 zan1 haam3 gaa3, baan6 je5 gaa3 zaa3.)
eng:She's not really crying, she's just pretending.
eng:pretentious, phony, to describe someone who always put on an act
yue:條八婆好扮嘢㗎,連嗌個叉飯都要講英文。 (tiu4 baat3 po4 hou2 baan6 je5 gaa3, lin4 aai3 go3 caa1 faan6 dou1 jiu3 gong2 jing1 man2.)
eng:That bitch is really pretentious, she has to speak English even when she orders rice with barbecued pork.