eng:thus; hence; thereby
yue:我哋期望藉住呢個電視節目,增加觀眾對傳統技藝同民俗活動嘅了解,從而宣揚本地文化。 (ngo5 dei6 kei4 mong6 zik6 zyu6 ni1 go3 din6 si6 zit3 muk6, zang1 gaa1 gun1 zung3 deoi3 cyun4 tung2 gei6 ngai6 tung4 man4 zuk6 wut6 dung6 ge3 liu5 gaai2, cung4 ji4 syun1 joeng4 bun2 dei6 man4 faa3.)
eng:We hope that the TV programme can raise the audience's understanding towards traditional skills and cultural activities, thereby promoting local cultures.