yue:使用#巫術 嘅女人;同#女巫 唔同嘅係,佢哋形象多數係#老 女人;亦都用嚟形容啲女人#醜樣 或者心腸#惡毒(量詞:個)
eng:witch; sorceress; hag
yue:傳説巫婆可以坐喺掃把飛上天。 (cyun4 syut3 mou4 po4 ho2 ji5 co5 hai2 sou3 baa2 fei1 soeng5 tin1.)
eng:Legend has it that a witch can sit on a broomstick and fly up into the sky.
yue:佢心腸惡毒又醜樣,就好似白雪公主入面個巫婆一樣。 (keoi5 sam1 coeng4 ngok3 duk6 jau6 cau2 joeng2, zau6 hou2 ci5 baak6 syut3 gung1 zyu2 jap6 min6 go3 mou4 po4 jat1 joeng6.)
eng:She is as ugly and evil as the witch in Snow White.