yue:感到#好奇 嘅心態;渴望了解某樣嘢嘅心態
yue:充滿好奇心 (cung1 mun5 hou3 kei4 sam1)
eng:full of curiosity
yue:好奇心殺死貓 (hou3 kei4 sam1 saat3 sei2 maau1)
eng:curiosity killed the cat
yue:滿足唔到呢班細路嘅好奇心 (mun5 zuk1 m4 dou2 ni1 baan1 sai3 lou6 ge3 hou3 kei4 sam1)
eng:It's hard to satisfy the curiosity of these children.
yue:啲奇奇怪怪嘅話題會引起佢嘅好奇心。 (di1 kei4 kei4 gwaai3 gwaai3 ge3 waa6 tai4 wui5 jan5 hei2 keoi5 ge3 hou3 kei4 sam1.)
eng:Such strange topics would arouse her curiosity.