eng:making a loud noise; screaming; noisy; literally: ghost killing noise
yue:晨早流流,你做咩喺度鬼殺咁嘈? (san4 zou2 lau4 lau4, nei5 zou6 me1 hai2 dou6 gwai2 saat3 gam3 cou4?)
eng:It's early morning, why are you making these loud noises?
eng:to complain bitterly, to disagree bitterly, to be vocally unsatisfied
yue:大廈又要維修,啲業主鬼殺咁嘈。 (daai6 haa6 jau6 jiu3 wai4 sau1, di1 jip6 zyu2 gwai2 saat3 gam3 cou4.)
eng:The building has to be renovated again, the owners are vehemently protesting the arrangement.