eng:to desecrate the remains of a deceased person
yue:將某個人以前講過或者做過嘅嘢舊事重提,以達到恥笑人推測錯誤,或者批評佢前後矛盾、#一時一樣 嘅效果
eng:to reiterate somebody's comments or speeches made a long time ago and criticize or or make fun of them
yue:南韓每當內政出現問題,就會拎返啲仇日歷史出嚟鞭屍,去轉移視線。 (naam4 hon4 mui5 dong1 noi6 zing3 ceot1 jin6 man6 tai4, zau6 wui5 ling1 faan1 di1 sau4 jat6 lik6 si2 ceot1 lai4 bin1 si1, heoi3 zyun2 ji4 si6 sin3.)
eng:In South Korea, when there are serious problems in internal affairs, politicians will raise the discussion of the ancient Japanese invasion issues to divert attention.