yue:泛指同 #醫療 相關嘅事務,通常用嚟修飾後面嘅名詞
eng:medical matters (often used as a moodier)
yue:#醫務所 (ji1 mou5 so2)
eng:medical clinic
yue:醫務助理 (ji1 mou6 zo6 lei5)
eng:medical assistant
yue:醫務社工 (ji1 mou6 se5 gong1)
eng:medical social worker
yue:醫務及健康諮詢 (ji1 mou6 kap6 gin6 hong1 zi1 seon1)
eng:medical and healthcare services
yue:醫務及疫苗中心 (ji1 mou6 kap6 jik6 miu4 zung1 sam1)
eng:medical and vaccine centre
yue:衞生署科學主任(醫務) (wai6 sang1 cyu5 fo1 hok6 zyu2 jam6 ji1 mou6)
eng:Scientific Officer (Medical), Department of Health
yue:康復及醫務社會服務 (hong1 fuk6 kap6 ji1 mou6 se5 wui2 fuk6 mou6)
eng:rehabilitation and medical social services