eng:head of a snake
yue:個蛇頭斬咗落嚟仲識咬人,好得人驚。 (go3 se4 tau4 zaam2 zo2 lok6 lai4 zung6 sik1 ngaau5 jan4, hou2 dak1 jan4 geng1.)
eng:It was so terrifying that the snake head could bite after decapitation.
yue:經營同操控非法移民活動、偷運 #人蛇 嘅人(量詞:個)
eng:gangs that assist and arrange illegal migration, smuggling people to other countries
yue:蛇頭安排呢批人蛇匿喺船艙底部,吩咐佢哋無論聽到咩聲都唔好亂郁。 (se4 tau4 on1 paai4 ni1 pai1 jan4 se4 nei1 hai2 syun4 cong1 dai2 bou6, fan1 fu3 keoi5 dei6 mou4 leon6 teng1 dou2 me1 seng1 dou1 m4 hou2 lyun6 juk1.)
eng:The snakehead had the illegal immigrants stay in the bottom of the cabin, telling them not to move even if they heard any sounds.