yue:懷孕期間向#胎兒 提供外界刺激以對佢產生正面影響嘅舉措
eng:practices of stimuli in order to have good effects on the unborn child during maternity; "fetal education"
yue:佢有咗三個月就開始胎教,希望第日個BB會聰明啲。 (keoi5 jau5 zo2 saam1 go3 jyut6 zau6 hoi1 ci2 toi1 gaau3, hei1 mong6 dai6 jat6 go3 bi4 bi1 wui5 cung1 ming4 di1.)
eng:(When) she was three months pregnant, she started a series of practices for the unborn baby, hoping that her baby would be smarter.