yue:表達#恭喜 嘅意思;對於人哋嘅開心事或者成就,表達認同或者高興嘅感覺
eng:to congratulate; to felicitate
yue:我想借呢個機會祝賀所有得獎者。 (ngo5 soeng2 ze3 ni1 go3 gei1 wui6 zuk1 ho6 so2 jau5 dak1 zoeng2 ze2.)
eng:I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners.
yue:沙莉第一個衝線之後,我哋走過去祝賀佢跑贏比賽。 (saa1 lei2 dai6 jat1 go3 cung1 sin3 zi1 hau6, ngo5 dei6 zau2 gwo3 heoi3 zuk1 ho6 keoi5 paau2 jeng4 bei2 coi3.)
eng:After Sally had come first to cross the finish line, we went there and congratulated her on having won her race.