yue:#收集 同#保存 珍貴嘅物品
eng:to collect and keep a collection of rare and valuable articles
yue:呢間博物館珍藏咗好多貴重文物。 (ni1 gaan1 bok3 mat6 gun2 zan1 cong4 zo2 hou2 do1 gwai3 zung6 man4 mat6.)
eng:This museum has a collection of many valuable cultural relics.
yue:非常#珍貴 嘅#收藏(量詞:件)
eng:collection of valuable articles
yue:呢幾個郵票係我嘅私人珍藏。 (ni1 gei2 go3 jau4 piu3 hai6 ngo5 ge3 si1 jan4 zan1 cong4.)
eng:These few stamps are my treasured collection.