eng:livestock slaughtered for sacrifice; sacrificial offering
eng:sacrifice; abandonment of interests for the sake of achieving some end
yue:佢嘅犧牲係唔會白費嘅! (keoi5 ge3 hei1 sang1 hai6 m4 wui5 baak6 fai3 ge3!)
eng:His sacrifice will not be in vain!
eng:to sacrifice
yue:媽媽為咗有多啲時間喺屋企照顧仔女,願意犧牲自己嘅事業。 (maa4 maa1 wai6 zo2 jau5 do1 di1 si4 gaan3 hai2 uk1 kei2 ziu3 gu3 zai2 neoi2, jyun6 ji3 hei1 sang1 zi6 gei2 ge3 si6 jip6.)
eng:The mother is willing to sacrifice her own career to reserve more time for taking care of her children at home.