eng:bull market
yue:恆指今日升咗900點,技術上步入牛市,預期下個禮拜可以高見40000點,但回調至10000點嘅風險唔細。 (hang4 zi2 gam1 jat6 sing1 zo2 gau2 baak3 dim2, gei6 seot6 soeng6 bou6 jap6 ngau4 si5, jyu6 kei4 haa6 go3 lai5 baai3 ho2 ji5 gou1 gin3 sei3 maan6 dim2, daan6 wui4 tiu4 zi3 jat1 maan6 dim2 ge3 fung1 him2 m4 sai3.)
eng:The Hang Seng Index rose 900 points today, which technically signifies the beginning of the bull market. We predict that it could reach 40000 next week, but beware of the risk that it may also fall to as low as 10000 points.