yue:一個字按照書寫標準嘅寫法,同#俗字 相對(量詞:個/隻)
eng:a character that follows the stroke and radical composition of the orthographical standard
yue:正字法 (zing3 zi6 faat3)
eng:standard orthography
eng:a term used by amateur etymologists to refer to their rarely used recommended characters
yue:你用埋晒啲正字寫廣東話,冇人睇得明㗎。 (nei5 jung6 maai4 saai3 di1 zing3 zi6 se2 gwong2 dung1 waa2, mou5 jan4 tai2 dak1 ming4 gaa3.)
eng:You're using "canonical" Cantonese characters in your writing, no one will understand you.