eng:conditions; terms
yue:貿易條件 (mau6 jik6 tiu4 gin2)
eng:terms of trade
yue:呢間公司俾啲條件好好。 (ni1 gaan1 gung1 si1 bei2 di1 tiu4 gin2 hou2 hou2.)
eng:This company offers very good terms.
eng:requirement; prerequisite; qualification
yue:入呢間大學嘅首要條件係考試成績好。 (jap6 ni1 gaan1 daai6 hok6 ge3 sau2 jiu3 tiu4 gin2 hai6 haau2 si3 sing4 zik1 hou2)
eng:Having good examination results is the major prerequisite for studying in this university.
eng:natural endowment or resources from one's family
yue:有條件 (jau5 tiu4 gin2)
eng:to be well supported by one's (wealthy) family
yue:你屋企冇條件供你讀大學。 (nei5 uk1 kei2 mou5 tiu4 gin2 gung1 nei5 duk6 daai6 hok6.)
eng:Your family does not have the financial resources to send you to college.