eng:to cut yourself into a queue; to leap into a seat
yue:佢頭先嗌攰,但係搭地鐵嗰陣成個人撲去攝位。 (keoi5 tau4 sin1 aai3 gui6, daan6 hai6 daap3 dei6 tit3 go2 zan6 seng4 go3 jan4 pok3 heoi3 sip3 wai2.)
eng:He was just saying that he was exhausted, yet still he finds the strength to leap for a seat while boarding the metro.
eng:to take an undeserving place in a self-promoting or underhandedly manner; to steal the limelight
yue:本來公司升遷冇佢份,但係佢最後靠擦鞋攝位。 (bun2 loi4 gung1 si1 sing1 cin1 mou5 keoi5 fan2, daan6 hai6 keoi5 zeoi3 hau6 kaau3 caat3 haai4 sip3 wai2.)
eng:At first he was not considered to be promoted, but he stole a place by brown-nosing.