eng:(in performances) to act; to play the part of
yue:佢喺套戲入面扮演一個精明嘅律師。 (keoi5 hai2 tou3 hei3 jap6 min6 baan6 jin2 jat1 go3 zing1 ming4 ge3 leot6 si1.)
eng:She played the part of a smart lawyer in the film.
eng:to play a part of; to play a role of
yue:每個人喺日常生活都扮演住唔同嘅角色。 (mui5 go3 jan4 hai2 jat6 soeng4 sang1 wut6 dou1 baan6 jin2 zyu2 m4 tung4 ge3 gok3 sik1.)
eng:Everyone plays various roles in their daily lives.
yue:佢喺呢間公司扮演一個好重要嘅角色。 (keoi5 hai2 ni1 gaan1 gung1 si1 baan6 jin2 jat1 go3 hou2 zung6 jiu3 ge3 gok3 sik1.)
eng:He plays an important role in this company.