eng:on the market
yue:呢隻藥而家喺本港市面有售。 (ni1 zek3 joek6 ji4 gaa1 hai2 bun2 gong2 si5 min6 jau5 sau6.)
eng:This medicine is available in many shops in Hong Kong.
yue:市面上有好多假貨,睇清楚有我哋隻雷射貼紙先好買呀! (si5 min6 soeng6 jau5 hou2 do1 gaa2 fo3, tai2 cing1 co2 jau5 ngo5 dei6 zek3 leoi4 se6 tip3 zi2 sin1 hou2 maai5 aa3!)
eng:There are lots of fakes on the market. Make sure there's a laser printed product label before you make any purchase!