yue:指外#斜視 嘅眼球或者患外斜視嘅人;有時亦泛指所有雙眼眼球望向兩個唔同方向嘅情況
eng:exotropia, wall-eyedness, lazy-eyedness, divergent squint; also someone with the condition; sometimes refers to eye misalignment in general
yue:你對眼係咪有啲問題?我見你對眼射厘得好緊要下喎。 (nei5 deoi3 ngaan5 hai6 mai6 jau5 di1 man6 tai4? ngo5 gin3 nei5 deoi3 ngaan5 se6 lei1 dak1 hou2 gan2 jiu3 haa5 wo3.)
eng:Do you have an eye problem? Your eyes are looking in different directions.
eng:peeking from the corner of the eyes
yue:你條咸濕仔咪成日射厘眼噉𥄫女啦。 (nei5 tiu4 haam4 sap1 zai2 mai5 seng4 jat6 se6 lei1 ngaan5 gam2 gap6 neoi5 laa1.)
eng:Stop checking out girls from the corner of your eyes, you pervert.