yue:我老咗一定要返去我嘅家鄉㗎。 (ngo5 lou5 zo2 jat1 ding6 jiu3 faan1 heoi3 ngo5 ge3 gaa1 hoeng1 gaa3.)
eng:When I get old, I will definitely return to my native place.
eng:figuratively refers to a good's price, which was high when the good was first sold but has since become unreachable due to plunge in price.
yue:你啲貨見到家鄉未? (nei5 di1 fo3 gin3 dou2 gaa1 hoeng1 mei6?)
eng:Has your investment rises back up to your trade price?
yue:我零八年買嗰啲股票,到今日仲未見到家鄉呀! (ngo5 ling4 baat3 nin4 maai5 go2 di1 gu2 piu3, dou3 gam1 jat6 zung6 mei6 gin3 dou2 gaa1 hoeng1 aa3!)
eng:The stocks I bought in 2008 are now very faraway from their 'home-town'!