eng:to adjust to changing circumstance; to act according to circumstances; to improvise; to ad lib; literally, to pick up life
yue:做司儀要識得執生㗎。 (zou6 si1 ji4 jiu3 sik1 dak1 zap1 saang1 gaa3.)
eng:An MC must be able to act according to circumstances.
eng:to look after oneself
yue:你過到外國讀書,冇阿爸阿媽照顧你,自己要執生喇。 (nei5 gwo3 dou3 ngoi6 gwok3 duk6 syu1, mou5 aa3 baa4 aa3 maa1 ziu3 gu3 nei5, zi6 gei2 jiu3 zap1 saang1 laa3.)
eng:When you study abroad, dad and mom can't take care of you and you will have to look after yourself.
yue:我走㗎喇,你自己執生啦。 (ngo5 zau2 gaa3 laa3, nei5 zi6 gei2 zap1 saang1 laa1.)
eng:I'm leaving now, watch yourself.