eng:to waste one's breath; to give advice about something without positive results
yue:講得咁清楚佢都唔明,真係嘥氣! (gong2 dak1 gam3 cing1 co2 keoi5 dou1 m4 ming4, zan1 hai6 saai1 hei3!)
eng:I explained it so carefully and still didn't understand. What a waste of breath!
yue:同你講嚟都嘥氣! (tung4 nei5 gong2 lai4 dou1 saai1 hei3!)
eng:Talking to you is a waste of breath!
eng:to waste one's efforts; to spend effort in vain
yue:反正都唔識,做嚟都嘥氣。 (faan2 zing3 dou1 m4 sik1, zou6 lai4 dou1 saai1 hei3.)
eng:I don't understand the materials anyway, it would be a waste of effort to attempt it.