eng:a legendary creature that looks exactly like a snakehead but with four legs, which is said to be deadly poisonous if mistakenly eaten as it can "dissolve one's bones"; literally "bone-dissolving dragon"
eng:child; dependant child; used to emphasise the hardship in bringing up the child(ren)
yue:隻化骨龍仲細嗰陣,就望佢快啲大;到佢真係大個嘞,又有啲唔捨得。 (zek3 faa3 gwat1 lung4 zung6 sai3 go2 zan2, zau6 mong6 keoi5 faai3 di1 daai6, dou3 keoi5 zan1 hai6 daai6 go3 laak3, jau6 jau5 di1 m4 se2 dak1.)
eng:When the "bone-dissolving dragon" was still a kid, I wanted him to grow up faster; now that he is grown-up, and I miss that time.