
第 #1 條
讀音: pek3
詞性: 動詞
  1. (廣東話) 用利器嘅直邊或者掌邊,沿住水平或者向下嘅方向出力切開
    (英文) to chop; to split
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) pek3caai4
    (英) to chop wood
    (粵) 劈友pek3 jau2
    (英) to fight in a triad knife fight; literally "to chop someone"
    (粵) jat1zoeng2pek3maai4heoi3
    (英) to chop with one hand

  2. (廣東話) 雷擊
    (英文) to be struck by lightning
    (粵) po1syu6bei2leoi4pek3zung3
    (英) The tree was struck by lightning.

  3. (廣東話) 大幅減低
    (英文) to decrease dramatically
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 劈價pek3 gaa3
    (英) to slash the price
    (粵) 劈租pek3 zou1
    (英) to slash the rent
    (粵) gaa3wai2pek3dou3gan6fu4sing4bun2gaa3
    (英) The price is cut down almost to the cost value.
    (粵) gaak3lei4gaan1baak3fo3gung1si1hoi1cong1cing1fo3zeoi3dai1pek3dou3jat1zit3
    (英) Items in the department store next door are on a clearance sale, up to 90% off.

  4. (廣東話) 飲好多酒
    (英文) to drink a lot (of alcohol)
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) 劈場pek3 coeng4
    (粵) 劈吧pek3 baa1
    (英) going to a bar or pub that provides cheap alcoholic drinks or an all-you-can-drink bar to get wasted
    (粵) 劈Kpek3 kei1
    (英) going to a karaoke that provides cheap alcoholic drinks or an all-you-can-drink bar to get wasted
    (粵) ngo5dei6gam1maan1heoi3劈酒pek3 zau2
    (英) Let's booze up tonight.

  5. (廣東話) 高速駕駛
    (英文) to drive at a high speed
    配詞 / 用法:
    (粵) pek3zo2
    (英) to turn left sharply
    (粵) pek3waan1
    (英) to drive through a bend at a a high speed
    (粵) pek3zyu6heoi3
    (英) to drive at a high speed
    (粵) pek3zyu6soeng5/lok6
    (英) to drive up/down a slope at a high speed
    (粵) keoi5jat1soeng5ce1zau6gik6cuk1pek3lok6wong6gok3
    (英) He sped through to Mong Kok once he got into his car.

參看: 斬 斲 砍伐 印 分裂 破裂 破 切割
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