eng:to rake one's fingers/hands through
yue:落咗髮泥之後,你要用手摷鬆個頭。 (lok6 zo2 faat3 nai4 zi1 hau6, nei5 jiu3 jung6 sau2 caau3 sung1 go3 tau4.)
eng:After applying hair wax, you have to rake your hand through your hair.
eng:to rummage; to search thoroughly
yue:我摷勻個櫃桶都揾唔到條鎖匙。 (ngo5 caau3 wan4 go3 gwai6 tung2 dou1 wan2 m4 dou2 tiu4 so2 si4.)
eng:I rummaged through the drawer but still couldn't find the key.
eng:to put one's hand into someone's clothes to caress or grope someone
yue:#互摷 (wu6 caau3)
eng:to make out by groping each other
yue:淨係摷同錫咋,冇做其他嘢。 (zing6 hai6 caau3 tung4 sek3 zaa3, mou5 zou6 kei4 taa1 je5.)
eng:I just groped and kissed her, I didn't do anything else.
yue:粉紅色衫個對情侶,唔好喺度摷嘢! (fan2 hung4 sik1 saam1 go3 deoi3 cing4 leoi5, m4 hou2 hai2 dou6 caau3 je5!)
eng:The couple in pink shirts, stop groping each other!